Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tri Season is BACK!

Last weekend was the first triathlon of the season in SC....Funny how last year at this time I was thinking about doing one and this year I knew 5 people in the first race of the season.
Lucky for me I took the whole stinking winter off and am now in worse shape than I was at this time last year....Well...Maybe not WORSE, but it feels WORSE because now instead of seeing a starting place, I'm in the middle, unprogressed. Technically I'm still lighter and stronger than the me of last season. Mentally, I'm slower and fatter. Go fig.

But its back to the grind...So far this week I havent missed a day. (yeah, its tuesday, shut up, I've woken up at 5am two days in a row...thats cool to me) Tomorrow morning is my first spinning class ever. A girl at work does them and loves them so I'm a little more comforted about them today than I was when I saw them peddling this morning...SO...scary, but lets be real. Its now or never.

Now or never...Thats a funny statement.. Rarely is it definitively true..Second chances roll around everyday. But in a way its true about everything, especially with me. If I dont do it now, if it doesnt become a habit now, it never will. Someday I'll get around to diagnosing myself as a procrastinator.

Well, at any rate, the weeks are dwindling down and I have a race coming up. This will be the first race that I have to do more than just finish. I was last place the last time so improving wont be too hard. At least I know I can do it...hmm...is that a blessing or a curse? I know I can do it, so now I have to do it. I can't wuss out and say, "You know what? I can't do it."
but now is the time to outline some goals...
Ok, acutally January was the time to outline some goals, but those dang new-years-resolution people always clogg up the gym. Mine is a spring resolution...a spring cleaning...Crap, its just a fear thing..I'm VERY afraid that the "newbies" I've lead to the sport are going to cream me in this race. So its back to Diet Dr. Peppers, Pretzels and that darn alarm clock going off at 5:01...which I realized this morning isnt enough time...Tonight I'll be switching that to the big 4:45. I need at least 15 minutes to convince myself I have to go.

Alright...Back to the subject...Goals.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, and Lifetime. Thats how I break it down.
Lets start with lifetime...My lifetime goal is to be happy in the body I live in and make it last as long as possible. Thats pretty much it.
Yearly...This is where it gets fun...This year I want to run two triathlons, one in July and the same one I ran last year in September. The goal for July is simply this: I CANT TAKE THE EASY WAYS OUT! Granted, in a triathlon, even the easy way out isnt easy, but there are many ways around putting forth a huge amount of effort. In the swim, you can breaststroke and backstroke and doggy paddle...you can get around doing the crawl stroke all day...but everyone knows the Crawl is the goal...the crawl is fast...the crawl is tough...you must Crawl! So this year, the goal is to CRAWL through the July Race...(just the swim now...) On the bike I just want to maintain..>I still have the same stupid Walmart bike which is approaching its limit for wear...So I'm not going to train on it much.. The spinning classes will help me get ready...I can do those Three mornings a week if I want...(prolly just two, but whatever) Finally, in the run, I want to run...Run, run, run the whole dang thing...Seriously. RUN. Last season I ran only to get out of site of the others and when I came back into view at the end...heh..not this year. Basically, however I do it, I want to break an hour and a half in my time. I want to finish in less than an hour and a half. HOUR AND A HALF! Willmington is a little harder, but the same goals apply...crawl the whole mile swim, and then tear it up on the other two components...Bike bike bike and run run run...RUN. That race is longer, so I want to finish it in under two hours. UNDER TWO HOURS...
Dont think these goals are too extraordinarily lofty...those times are shooting for the Top of the Bottom 5th of the racers. I'm slowly working my way up to the number one slot...The goal in life would be to become middle of the pack kind of person. MOPers!

Monthly Goal:
To attend one specialty class a week every week this month. Just one..I know me and I know that my nerves of trying something new and looking stupid get the best of me often...I know this is conservative, while not sandbagging myself.

Weekly Goal:
Wake up consistantly at 445 every morning except for Thursday. Thursday is technically my day off, but I may find that I want to switch that to Sundays, in which case I'll hit the pilates class on thursday night...build up that core strength. mmm...core strength.

Daily Goal:
Eat well... Its time to start thinking about food as fuel and not as fun..I mean, it can still be fun, but purposeful fun...

So there you have it..
Time to get back to work.


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