Thursday, November 02, 2006

Welcome to the jungle.

I don't know what made me do it, but I sat on the homepage for a second and clicked on one of those "newly updated" blogs scrolling around. It begs for you to click it, so I did...

What a regret.

The first one I clicked on was from a girl named Krista who was having trouble with her mother. Oh no, mother wants to sign the car over to her... oh no mother doesn't tell her she's proud.... Krista, if you have somehow done what I've done and clicked my newly updated blog and are reading this....Let me just say....GROW UP! Send me a comment if you want more head smacking advice...

Then I moved onto this sad little bugs website (i feel like my generation is to blame for all the sad little morose children running wild...I blame the coffeehouse and Nirvana.) This sexless sad little beings website talked about their insecurities, they're need to cry and ended with an entire blog about how hard college was.

It got me to thinking...

I thought college was hard too...

now I miss it a lot.

Because having a job is just harder all together....I thought about using that as an avenue to complain about the difficulties of my life...bills and deadlines and failure...but then I thought...

What about the people who live in the actual jungle.
Not the cement one...I mean the real one...


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Big list of things I'd really like to work on.

  1. Dealing with Disappointment.
  2. Shaking it off when i let people down.
  3. Answering my phone when people call.
  4. Washing a dish when I'm finished with it.
  5. Disciplining my Dog right when he messes up.
  6. Confrontation.
  7. Time Management
  8. Conflict resolution
  9. Saving
  10. Regularly doing laundry.
  11. Decorating
  12. Not signing contracts.
  13. Getting my car serviced the instant it sounds funny.
  14. Reading Magazines cover to cover.
  15. Finishing books
  16. starting books
  17. one on one conversation
  18. practicing guitar
  19. looking less like a kiss ass at work.
  20. watching less TV after 5.
  21. Taking the dog for actual walks, not catch sessions in the tennis court.
  22. taking compliments
  23. giving compliments
  24. making less obvious facial expressions.
  25. bumming myself out with stupid lists.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Seven Degrees of Separation

In Honor of Kevin Bacon's stay in Columbia SC, I'd like to offer one hearty round of Seven Degrees of Separation.

Kevin Bacon and Tom Arnold.

Tom was in Nine Months with Hugh Grant
Hugh was in Bridget Jones Diary with Renee Zelwiger
Renee was in Down with Love with Ewan McGregor
Ewan was in Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman
Nicole was in Days of Thunder with Tom Cruise
and Tom was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon....

Go jiggies, go jiggies, go go go jiggies.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Is sex more important than money?

I was thinking today...
I dont know how much money any of my friends make. There are a couple I know..but like..the grown-up ones...the Doctors and the Lawyers and the Accountants...I have no idea.

In fact...I know more about their sex lives than their income. Why is that?

In church there was a whole special sermon on porn. All the guys went and talked about their struggles. Way to go guys..but hey church...what about money?

What does the church have against talking about money...

How much does my Pastor make? I don't know...Do you know how much yours makes?
How much does your best friends husband make....I dunno...

How many people are drowning in debt in your church right now...Dont know.
What are the smartest most stewardly way to spend it...invest it...make it grow...give it away.

Whats wrong with that?

Does the church think money is bad?

Hmm..I bet they do..
They get confused as a body very easily. I'm not asking us to love the money...But utilize it.

Why is it wrong for me to know how much people make and how they use it?


If the people I respect the most are using their money the best way they can...then its cool for me to know..
I mean...If Jimmy was making 100,000 a year, I would's doing well...until I heard that Jimmy gives away about 50,000 a year to people in need...then, Jimmy would teach me a lesson. Plus...Knowing that Jimmy spends only 25% on his home and 25% on entertainment, and he saves 25% and invests 25% in his future...wouldnt that help me as a young person?

Wouldnt it also help aleviate the "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality too? Like...If I go visit Meesha in her house and its HUGE and FABULOUS...If I know..Well, Jigs...Meesha is a doctor and brings home 250,000 a year...When you make can have a house this big!

I dont know..
Maybe I'm grumpy..
Maybe I've heard too many sermons about sharing the gospel at work...
Maybe I just wanna know.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I wonder if I have "it"

It was just a joke, but I got it way too deeply.
Jim Gaffigan, funniest guy I've heard lately made the joke. He was talking about sleep, and how much he loves it. At the end he said, yeah, who are those people that dont need sleep, what are they called? Successfull?

At first I laughed. AHAHAHA good one Jim. But then I thought.
Thats true.

This up and down waving ebb and flow of my life really sucks sometimes. It all comes down to what I feel like doing and 90% of the time I dont "feel" like doing what I should. So where do I get determination? Does it grow somewhere? Do I develop it somehow? Where does the determination come from to exercise, clean, work, save money? Where do I find that?

It drives me crazy.
I feel like there's some secret formula to life that I havent figured out yet. And I hate that. It plagues my thoughts. I just want to do everything I want to do, but a lot of those things require me to be "on" more than I am. And that reason is why it seems like those things will never happen.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Well, I placed third in my division in my triathlon today. I'm not going to tell you about the whole race...lets just talk about what I learned. I learned that I'm really fat. Blah blah blah...You can think whatever you what about my having said that, BUT the fact of the matter is, that I could do SO much better if I lose weight. And how much better a way to lose it than by training it away. This race today just reminded me that I've not arrived where I wish to be with the triathlon stuff. I have my "'A' Race the last weekend in September. Thats 10 weeks. I have 10 weeks to train to get under two hours on that race. I did well on the bike today, so I think I'm going to focus ONLY on swimming and running for the next ten weeks. I'll go on one bike ride a week, every Saturday from now till then. That should do.
Anyway, enough about what I'm "gonna" do...I had a good time today doing what I did. And I was reminded again that even though I'm not yet a certain triathlete by feeling (though technically by title) all the athletes there were very encouraging. Even as I was one of the last five people out on the course, they would still drive by (on their way home) and cheer for me "almost there! Keep going!" Why would they do that? I love that about them. Granted, its not everyone, but those 10 or 12 people who did cheer, and then the dozens of people who cheer when you finish..>thats pretty powerful. The thing about it is, there's something so much safer about them knowing that youre doing it than regular people on the street knowing youre doing it. I would rather train by running a race every day, than run quietly by myself on the street in the early morning when one or two cars passes by. I think thats because people at the race know that everyone has to start somewhere and we're all doing it. But people on the street could just think "girl, youre no athlete, go back home and sit on the couch." But I guess, who cares either way right? The thing I realized today, not during the race, but now, As I look at the pictures of what I looked like doing it, is that you really do have to start somewhere. That means that if youre overweight, and you want to be a skinny triathlete, you need to first be an overweight triathlete. It sucks, but the perseverence and determination it takes to get there is so much more beneficial once you get to be the skinny triathlete.
I look forward to those days of being that athletic person, but until then, I'll enjoy this time too.. The time when I can get some super athlete so moved that he rolls his window down to yell nice things at me. (at least I'll pretend that I had that effect.)

Monday, July 03, 2006

I feel so dirty

What's happened to music?

No..Seriously...I was sitting here at work just minding my own business listening to an excellent mix of Female Rock and saw an ad pop up on AOL radio for Paris Hilton's new song..Up until now I've only known Paris to be a media nuisance as I'm trying to get to the real news. She'll pop up for a blurb about something pornographic and mumble something like "God, that's Hot!" To my knowledge, not only is this all we've seen, but quite certainly, all she can do. This "song" of here's that I heard was just further verification of that simple truth as in the first four an a half seconds she simply grunts, groans and then says, "Yeah, that's hot." I laughed outloud...That's before I was muscially assaulted by crap. The stars are blind, eh Paris? Apparently the stars are deaf too.

ok a few things:
A: This conglomeration that Ms Hilton has released is not to be confused with music. It is in fact not a "song." It's a series of vulgar grunts and moans set to someone else's beat. It sounds more like the audio track to a porn movie than it sounds like a song.

B: Money surely does NOT make one a musician. There's more artificial dubbing in this CD than in Cher's last release. The only difference being that Cher did it to alter her already acceptable singing voice, not to create a singing voice as has young Paris.

C: Paris, you should stick to texting your friends and playing with your teacup puppies. Because I've never heard something so atrocious. I'd rather listen to Gwar.

Can someone new come out who cares about writing good new music with powerful messages? Because it seems like women with good voices get sucked into the same booty music while the boys with good voices won't abandon the songs of the rat pack. There are only so many ways to sing those songs guys...Seriously.
I want someone who's got it all. Someone who can write the music, read the music, play the music and sing the music...Is that too much to ask? At this point, I wouldn't even care if they were good as long as they just tried. Geesh. Could we be any more granulated? You write the music, you write the words, you play the piano, you play the guitar, you sing the words, you turn up the volume.

At the risk of sounding cynical, oops...too late, sorry...I have realized that I've reached the point that it seems the only music that appeals to me anymore come in the form of songs already written. I don't even know what stations play new music anymore and I don't even care! What's that about?!

There's a hole in music out there...Someone needs to fill it. We need smart, young, talent people to play smart young music...Cuz I ain't ready for "Adult Contemporary"