Thursday, July 13, 2006

I wonder if I have "it"

It was just a joke, but I got it way too deeply.
Jim Gaffigan, funniest guy I've heard lately made the joke. He was talking about sleep, and how much he loves it. At the end he said, yeah, who are those people that dont need sleep, what are they called? Successfull?

At first I laughed. AHAHAHA good one Jim. But then I thought.
Thats true.

This up and down waving ebb and flow of my life really sucks sometimes. It all comes down to what I feel like doing and 90% of the time I dont "feel" like doing what I should. So where do I get determination? Does it grow somewhere? Do I develop it somehow? Where does the determination come from to exercise, clean, work, save money? Where do I find that?

It drives me crazy.
I feel like there's some secret formula to life that I havent figured out yet. And I hate that. It plagues my thoughts. I just want to do everything I want to do, but a lot of those things require me to be "on" more than I am. And that reason is why it seems like those things will never happen.


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