Monday, July 03, 2006

I feel so dirty

What's happened to music?

No..Seriously...I was sitting here at work just minding my own business listening to an excellent mix of Female Rock and saw an ad pop up on AOL radio for Paris Hilton's new song..Up until now I've only known Paris to be a media nuisance as I'm trying to get to the real news. She'll pop up for a blurb about something pornographic and mumble something like "God, that's Hot!" To my knowledge, not only is this all we've seen, but quite certainly, all she can do. This "song" of here's that I heard was just further verification of that simple truth as in the first four an a half seconds she simply grunts, groans and then says, "Yeah, that's hot." I laughed outloud...That's before I was muscially assaulted by crap. The stars are blind, eh Paris? Apparently the stars are deaf too.

ok a few things:
A: This conglomeration that Ms Hilton has released is not to be confused with music. It is in fact not a "song." It's a series of vulgar grunts and moans set to someone else's beat. It sounds more like the audio track to a porn movie than it sounds like a song.

B: Money surely does NOT make one a musician. There's more artificial dubbing in this CD than in Cher's last release. The only difference being that Cher did it to alter her already acceptable singing voice, not to create a singing voice as has young Paris.

C: Paris, you should stick to texting your friends and playing with your teacup puppies. Because I've never heard something so atrocious. I'd rather listen to Gwar.

Can someone new come out who cares about writing good new music with powerful messages? Because it seems like women with good voices get sucked into the same booty music while the boys with good voices won't abandon the songs of the rat pack. There are only so many ways to sing those songs guys...Seriously.
I want someone who's got it all. Someone who can write the music, read the music, play the music and sing the music...Is that too much to ask? At this point, I wouldn't even care if they were good as long as they just tried. Geesh. Could we be any more granulated? You write the music, you write the words, you play the piano, you play the guitar, you sing the words, you turn up the volume.

At the risk of sounding cynical, oops...too late, sorry...I have realized that I've reached the point that it seems the only music that appeals to me anymore come in the form of songs already written. I don't even know what stations play new music anymore and I don't even care! What's that about?!

There's a hole in music out there...Someone needs to fill it. We need smart, young, talent people to play smart young music...Cuz I ain't ready for "Adult Contemporary"


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